Water is circulated through a pump station and supplied to the top of the cooling pad via a distribution manifold. A distribution pad on the top of the cooling pad ensures an even water distribution. The water flows down the corrugated surface of the CELdek evaporative cooling pad. Part of the water is evaporated by the warm and dry air that passes through the pad. The rest of the water assists in washing the pad and is drained back to the pump station through a gutter system. The heat that is needed for the evaporation is taken from the air itself. The air that leaves the pad is therefore cooled and humidified simultaneously without any external energy supply for the evaporation process. This is nature’s own cooling process.
Sakar – VII, A-122, 1st Floor,
Nehru Bridge Corner, Ashram Road,
Ahmedabad – 380 009.
(Gujarat) India.
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